

Minggu, 17 November 2013

Nursing studies program has been growing rapidly and more and more mature in manage educational institutions have achieved accreditation of nursing and B rankings of BAN-PT with Decree no. 016/BAN-PT/Ak-X/S1/VIII/2007. 

Broadly speaking, it can be argued that nursing studies program has the power, among others: has the confidence of the people is high enough, have experienced organized study program, personnel managers have a reliable and dedicated, has a complete infrastructure to support teaching and learning processes supported by land practices such as hospitals and other practices that adequate land. Not only that of course in order to achieve the vision and mission that has been assigned the nursing studies program constantly updating among other things; system of recruiting new students, lecturers and workforce support personnel, curriculum, facilities and infrastructure, financing, tatapamong, research and service community as well as utilization of graduates. 

Various activities undertaken by PSIK FIK UMJ public to know as a form of accountability to the public educational institutions. Therefore by this website is expected that all scientific activities and other academic information can be known by the general public especially about nursing education. Nor vice versa entire academic community (faculty, students and employees) can provide intake, criticism and helpful suggestions for institutional advancement PSIK FIK UMJ. THANKS.


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